Lord Nelson appeal-
The decision from the Lord Nelson appeal has been allowed. To view the full report please press HERE
The Lord Nelson appeal took place on the 4th, 5th and 6th February 2020. The inquiry was held in Weston Town Hall. Unfortunalty there were not many locals present, we feel this is due to location and had it been held in Cleeve Village hall turnout would have been better. The decision from the Inspector can take up to three months. We will keep you all updated. please find the appeal notice for the mixed use development at The Lord Nelson site HERE
Cleeve PC's response can be found HERE
We also instructed a planning solicitor to write an additional letter on our behalf, that can be found HERE
The appeal is now live on the following website: https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk
Please use the following reference: APP/D0121/W/19/3237905
Planning application decision has been made: REFUSE. For the full decision notice please click HERE.
Cleeve Parish Council (CPC) OBJECTS to this application on the following grounds:
- Demolition of the Lord Nelson Public House. A report by Historic England published October 2017stated that ‘The Lord Nelson has clear local interest’.
- The building of a new 24/7 petrol filling station as an inappropriate development for an infill village. The site lies in a predominantly residential area with service villages of Backwell, Congresbury and Yatton in very close proximity fulfilling the needs of the community.
- The new petrol filling station is wrongly located in the centre and heart of Cleeve village. The Lord Nelson currently gives a sense of identity and belonging to Cleeve.
- The development is above 200 sq metres so the applicant needs to demonstrate that no suitable sites are available in defined local or district town centres. Policy DM67. This has not been demonstrated.
- Sustainable Development: No economic impact assessment has been submitted showing the viability of the jobs and whether the business model can be retained in the event of electric cars.
- There is no indication about whether jobs are newly created or merely relocated from elsewhere (e.g. office and administration jobs)
- The traffic assessment is inadequate and has missed out a category of traffic movements for the proposed Bar (an Asset of Community Value).
- CPC has grave concerns for the safety of road users on the A370 due to lack of sufficient car parking on site, contrary to Policy DM24.
- Car parking proposals are inadequate for the proposed development with the assumption that staff car parking is off site and may lead to highway safety concerns contrary to Policy DM24
- Shortage of car parking will have severe impacts on local residents with cars likely to be parked on local roads, obstructing existing drives. This already happens with people parking cars for the whole day in order to travel by bus into Bristol and elsewhere.